Businesses with smaller contingent workforce programs often leave the management of their contingent workforce to a person, or perhaps a small team, that wears manyfalse
When it comes to managing your contingent workforce, your organization typically has two choices. Do you partner with a Managed Services Provider (MSP) that specializesfalse
The economy has changed dramatically in recent years. Organizations now have to deal with increased competition, fierce workforce shortages, shrinking product lifefalse
Changes in the workplace have come in thick and fast over the past couple of years. The ongoing labour shortage driven by the “Great Resignation”, the increased demandfalse
An increasing number of organizations are turning to the contingent workforce to improve their flexibility, agility and talent acquisition, in what is becoming anfalse
The contingent workforce. Extended talent. Temporary workers. The externally-sourced workforce. Gig workers. Consultants, contractors, freelancers, project-basedfalse